Day 48
Yesterday I did 64 problems from "365 Ways to Checkmate." My dad and I are planning on playing a few games at home. Every once in awhile in each game, we'll discuss the positional and tactical ideas in the position.
Also, I might be teaching one chess class at the upcoming GATE Mini-Conference. GATE stands for Gifted and Talented Education. I will probably make handouts: for beginners, intermediate players, and advanced players. The kids will probably be in the 4th to 6th grades, so about 7-11 years of age. I will provide exercises, and suggested books and websites for improvement. I might ask one of my chess-playing friends to help me out. If anyone has tips, suggestions, or good references, please let me know.
On Monday I bought "How to Beat your Dad at Chess." The title is sort of cheesy, but the content is great. It contains 50 common checkmates with several examples for each one. Additionally, it contains advice and tests. I really enjoy it and recommend it to help in categorizing mating patterns. Recently, I have studied some of my books and played some online games.
It is good to be back! I would like to give a warm (but late) welcome to Cetic Death, Temposchlucker, Yet Another Patzer, King of the Spill, and Fussy Lizard. I wish them good luck and I hope that they all improve to the extent that they desire.
48 days left
2 hrs. completed, 41.5 total
64 out of 968, 904 left