Sunday, December 04, 2005


I have started the 2-2-2 plan, which is perfect for me, as you never spend too much time on tactics, and I have very little time to spare. I have also started winning a few games on FICS and turned my rating around a little. I'm really enjoying my reentry into the chess world. I need to really pick one opening and stick with it, so I'm experimenting right now with the Italian Gambit, trying out d4, and other things. I hope I can stop the blundering, because I am often leading in a position and then blow it.


At 10:28 AM, Blogger funkyfantom said...

Thanks for saying hi. When I finish
up with CT-ART, I want to play you on
FICS. We have a similar rating, so it
should be good. I'm really looking to
play chess with a circle of well-adjusted people.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Ed Doyle said...

D4 is where its at cat !

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Sancho Pawnza said...

How's the 2-2-2 plan going?


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